With ai-yu jelly, grass jelly, red bean, green bean, pinto bean, peanuts, milk ball and taro balls

爱玉 Ai-Yu Jelly + 仙草 Grass Jelly


花生豆豆双Q冻 Mixed Bean Cup


芒果荔枝双Q冻 Tropical Cup
With ai-yu jelly, grass jelly, lychee pearl jelly, mango pearl jelly, milk ball and taro balls


蜂蜜柚子双Q冻 Honey Yuzu Cup
With ai-yu jelly, grass jelly, yuzu pearl jelly, honey popping jelly, taro balls
豆花 BEAN CURD + 仙草 Grass Jelly


金薯芋豆黑白配 Abundance Cup
With bean curd, grass jelly, red bean, sweet potato, yam and taro balls


芦荟蒟蒻珍珠鸳鸯 Harmony Cup
With bean curd, grass jelly, aloe vera pearl jelly, konjac jelly, black pearl and taro balls
豆花 Bean Curd + 爱玉 Ai-Yu Jelly


黄金蜂蜜莲子鸳鸯 Golden Cup
With bean curd, ai-yu jelly, honey popping jelly, mango pearl jelly, lotus nuts, milk ball and taro balls


柚子蒟蒻豆花爱玉 Summer Cup
With bean curd, ai-yu jelly, yuzu pearl jelly, konjac jelly and taro balls
三合一特系 3 Bases Specials


芋头红豆莲子冻 Taro Cup
With bean curd, grass jelly, ai-yu jelly, red bean, lotus nuts, yam, and taro balls


芋圆三合一 Aww In One Cup
With bean curd, grass jelly, ai-yu jelly, black pearl, milk ball, mini taro Q and taro balls